Certain HVAC companies offer same day service

Certain HVAC companies have mobile vans that are able to offer same day service for people who need residential heating and cooling repairs.

  • This must be a new thing for the HVAC industry, because before last week, I had never even heard about this kind of thing before.

I was listening to the radio in my car, which I usually never do because it’s just about all commercials and no music. Anyway, it must have been fate because as I was sitting there at a stoplight, an ad came on for one of these mobile HVAC vans in my area. Well, it just so happened that I was in dire need of someone to come and fix my air conditioning, and I had planned on calling an HVAC company later that day when I had the time to look it up and make the call. When I heard the number on the radio, I just entered it into my voice dialing and I called them right then while I was sitting at the stoplight! It turns out that when you call one of these mobile HVAC vans, they are able to come to your home almost immediately. That’s because instead of being based at their home office, they just drive around all over a certain area and they have all of their tools and supplies with them right there in the truck. It’s genius, really. By the time I got home, the HVAC service truck was already in my driveway, ready to fix my air conditioning system! I couldn’t believe it. I’m going to be using this type of HVAC service from now on.
Air quality systems