It took me awhile to figure out what kind of air conditioner I wanted

It took me awhile to figure out what kind of air conditioner I wanted.

I looked at so many different air conditioners that I was starting to go a little crazy about it.

I made the mistake of asking others for their opinions on what type of air conditioner I should get. It just wasn’t a good idea at all. My mom wanted me to save money and just buy a regular old window air conditioning unit. My dad wanted me to splurge and get a whole central air conditioning system installed throughout my house. My uncle told me that I should live without air conditioning because it would be cheapest. It was such a mess. I just wasn’t ready for all of their opinions I guess. It was all my fault though because I asked for their opinions about which air conditioner I should get. In the end, I ended up going with a different option than any of them gave me. I decided to buy a ductless mini split air conditioner. It was definitely one of the more expensive options if I didn’t count getting a whole central air conditioning system installed in my home. I am so glad that I went with the ductless mini split air conditioner though. It has turned out to be a great little air conditioner for my home. I don’t have to leave it on for hours for it to work. It is a great little air conditioner. I just turn it on when I need it, and I turn it off when I don’t.



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