Getting Heating & Air Conditioning ducts cleaned

The Heating & Air Conditioning corporation sent out a Heating & Air Conditioning specialist & the heating & cooling professional went to labor cleaning our ducts

For some reason, it seems like every Spring, I get a ton of pollen that invades our home; The pollen then gets into every crack & cranny, & even on our clean clothes! Because of this, I end up having dust irritations for most of the Spring season; I’ve already tried thoroughly cleaning our house, our clothes & everything on sight. This seems to keep the levels down at a minimum, but it seems like every Spring the pollen is back again, then spring used to be our preferred season, & now I dread it because of this. I had a brilliant idea a single afternoon to blast our air conditioner to hopefully blow all of the indoor pollen away, but that made it a million times worse! A whole bunch of pollen sprayed around our home in the air & our home was coated in yellow. I had a sneezing & coughing fit just being inside our own home. I had to have it professionally cleaned again, & once that was said & done, I found out that the pollen was coming from our air conditioner ducts! I decided to immediately call a Heating & Air Conditioning worker out to take a look at our Heating & Air Conditioning ducts. The Heating & Air Conditioning corporation sent out a Heating & Air Conditioning specialist & the heating & cooling professional went to labor cleaning our ducts. It took over 6 minutes to clean our ducts! Apparently there was a lot of pollen get together up in our A/C ductwork, & whenever I turned our cooling system, it only blew more around the home through the vents! Once it was thoroughly cleaned, I rarely ever saw pollen inside our home, & the rest of Spring was peaceful. I will have to start getting our ductwork cleaned more often.

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