Glad I am getting my gas heater

I am particular about my needs and I have been ever since I was a little kid.

I like things a certain way.

I wouldn’t say that I’m OCD or anything like that. If I’m going to have something and pay good money for it, I want it the way I want it. That’s all there is to it. My central heating is no exception. Now, when I first moved into my house, the electric oil furnace had about two more years left on it. I was willing to wait rather than upgrade. Well, my two years are up. I am switching to gas heating now. I understand that switching from electric heating to gas heating is a major change that most people would not try to do. I know all I have to say is that I’m not most people. I want gas heating. I grew up with gas heating, food tastes better with gas heating and gas heating keeps the lake house warmer. Electric heating is all fine and dandy, but if I’m going to have heating, I’m going to stick with gas heating. I reached out to my Heating & Air Conditioning provider and they told me that they could send out some Heating & Air Conditioning contractors next week to make the change. I went ahead and bought the gas furnace I wanted over the phone with the Heating & Air Conditioning expert. Now it’s just a matter of waiting out the week. I will be entirely glad to have my gas furnace installed in the upcoming week!


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