Drew needed urgent AC repair before winter

Drew had a demanding job which kept him away from home most of the time.

Despite having a lovely house, he rarely spent any time in it.

He had recently gotten a promotion and had lots of responsibilities. During his days off, he would spend it working from home, which meant he had little time to rest. Apart from rest, he never noticed issues around the house until they were too far gone. For example, last fall, the AC had a problem which he almost missed. He was getting the house ready for winter and decided to check the central heating and cooling system. After summer, he’s shut it off. But soon, he’d need it to keep the house warm during winter. He tried turning on the air conditioner, but nothing happened. It seemed there was a problem with the quality HVAC. Though he knew he needed urgent AC repair, Drew had to go to work. The whole day, he kept thinking about the faulty home AC unit. He had to find a solution, so he decided to phone his sister for help. She agreed to go to his house the next day and oversee the urgent HVAC repairs. The air conditioner mechanic got to Drew’s house and began assessing the heating unit. Apart from poor maintenance, the central cooling and heating system had clogged drain pipes. These pipes had lots of mold, mildew, and other gunk, preventing proper fluid drainage from the air conditioning unit. It took some time to clean out all the accumulated gunk in the pipes. Plus, the HVAC expert had to fix a few places that would cause AC leaks soon. After that, he put everything back together and turned it on. Drew was happy when his sister called him with excellent news. He didn’t have to worry about having a faulty heating system in winter.



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