Buying up properties with our sibling

My sibling and I both are buying up rental properties.

Our goal is for rentals to be our only income by the time we are both 35 years old.

At first it was certainly difficult. Getting that first rental was nearly impossible. To beginning with, finding the right real estate agent is hard. I have observed that most real estate brokers don’t answer your calls, know nothing about the arena they are showing and barely have any sort of education. Most of the time our sibling and I look for arenas that are for sale by the owner so we don’t mess around with agents. If I need a real estate agent, I have a girl Melissa that is decent. Next, getting the right Heating and A/C services took a few trial and error situations. I had a general maintenance woman that appreciated to drywall over all the piping she laid. I finally ripped out 1 of the walls to see what she was doing. I observed duct tape, glue and a massive mess of the pipes. I also had an electrician that always installed the switch on the wrong side of the wall. After finding a good Heating and A/C dealer, I then got from that Heating and A/C serviceman an electrician and plumber’s number. The Heating and A/C woman also knew of a general maintenance team that can handle any roofing or major structural changes that I need done. Now that our sibling and I have quite a few rentals that all need repairs, we are on the hunt for a property management team. This is the next phase of the game.


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