Making some changes to my new home

My husband and I just purchased our first home together.

It has been such an exciting milestone for us, and we have already been showing it off to our families and talking about future plans.

We talked for hours about how we would decorate it, our future children growing up here, and some upgrades that we should make before we fully settle in. My husband is a smart guy and he made the suggestion that we should upgrade some aspects of the home to give it a more modern feel. The house was on the older side, but not ridiculously old. It was about 40 years or so. I asked him what upgrades he had in mind and he told me he didn’t like the look of the old and ugly dial thermostat. He told me how smart thermostats are all the rage nowadays and most people he knows have one and he thought we should get one too. I thought it was a great idea and we started looking at different heating and cooling products at our local HVAC company. We found the perfect smart thermostat that we were looking for, it was a programmable thermostat and it ran off of the WIFI which meant we would be able to control the indoor temperatures from anywhere as long as we had our cellphones. It was a simple installation that we could do ourselves and we didn’t require any help from an HVAC technician. Once it was installed we spent the rest of the day testing it out. It fit so perfectly into our home and it was much better than our old thermostat.


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