Crystal and I have always been the best of friends

It turns out that Crystal was right, I was stupid, because I had pursued in education in something there was no demand for! Crystal was practical, because she knew every single being in town needed central AC throughout the year

I’ve known Crystal for a long time, having been friends since the first grade. We were definitely the best of friends. The funny thing about growing up is finding out which people stick around. Many of them in our lives have come and gone, but Crystal is consistently there. I can count on her, for better or worse, because we like each other just enough to be fully honest. The moment we graduated high school I told Crystal about my plans of going to school to learn the history of Middle Eastern pottery. She told me I was foolish. She was going to AC school, and persuaded me to come with her. I opted to follow my own path, and within a short duration Crystal was running her own small HVAC maintenance company, while I was $100,000 in debt and still unemployed. It turns out that Crystal was right, I was stupid, because I had pursued in education in something there was no demand for! Crystal was practical, because she knew every single being in town needed central AC throughout the year. There was a strong and permanent demand for AC services, and not so much for an expert in Middle Eastern pottery. I finally gave in and requested Crystal to hire me on part time in her HVAC company while I applied for jobs with universities across the country. Once again, she was bluntly honest, and said she’d only hire me if I was enrolled in AC certification courses, otherwise there was nothing she’d do.


air quality