Christmas means a case of air filters

It’s going on May but I’m still sort of fondly thinking about the holidays.

What was once my least favorite time of year now makes my heart glow. When I was a kid, I was raised by a single mom along with three brothers. My wonderful friend and I lived in a great condo with central a/c plus whatever my pal and I needed. My parents divorced when I was young plus my Mom paid a ton of alimony so he could get on with the life he wanted to lead. That sort of left me as the man of the home since I was the only guy plus the oldest. But that also meant that I was the one who had to do all my mother’s holiday bidding while he cranked the gas heating system to sauna like levels. It was the sort of experience that I dreaded every year. So once I got married, I just hated the holidays. My partner, plus subsequently my daughters, changed all of that for me. They brought back the magic that is in the holidays. One thing they care about to do is to collect holiday candles throughout the year plus then light up the home for the better part of 6 weeks during the holiday season. I learned the difficult way that before any candle gets lit inside the central a/c of our home, I need to slide my the hardware store. I option up a case of air filter for that time of year. All that burnt candle wax ends up getting sucked right to the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C return plus onto the air filter. I literally have to change the air filter almost yearly.


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