Trying to say cool in the summer is so hard for me.
I’m the type of person who needs air conditioning blowing right on them to cool down.
I just graduated so I still live with my parents and I cannot stand living there since our house does not have central air conditioning. We never had air conditioning at all when I was growing up. I didn’t understand the whole process of heating and cooling a house until I got into high school. I used to dread coming home after school to a hot and sticky house where a lot of my other friends had central heating and cooling. That is the one thing that I will certainly have in my house. I will hire an HVAC technician to come and install a heating and cooling system and I will not have to have my kids go through the same thing that I went through. Always being sweaty in my house after work is just not something that I want to deal with every day. I talked to my parents to see if there was some alternative way that I could cool my bedroom without always using a fan. I was told that I could. There were some portable air conditioners that I could choose from at our local hardware store. I made sure to buy a portable air conditioner that wasn’t too big in cooling size and wasn’t too small. I ended up purchasing the perfect sized portable air conditioner. Now I can spend my summer’s happy and cool with my new portable cooling device.