My bad internet connection was the reason for my malfunctioning smart thermostat

To make a long story short, my wifi router was malfunctioning and needed to be replaced

I had really great utilities at my old apartment, but I had to move because of my terrible work commute. The water was free, the cable and internet were discounted, and the unit was so energy efficient that I had a sub-$100 electric bill every month. I work for an architectural company and my employers decided to move the building to a location with lower rent to save on money. This move was only supposed to be a few miles; instead, it added at least 45 minutes to my daily commute from the horrendous traffic. After suffering for months, I decided I would start looking for an apartment closer to my job’s new location. I was ecstatic when I found what I was looking for at a good rate, but I’m not sure how I feel now that I have been living here for a few weeks. The air conditioner actually has a smart thermostat, which was surprising to me. I have never lived in a rental that had an upgraded thermostat like this. However, it was the bane of my existence at first because it kept malfunctioning at random times. The a/c would stay running but the controls on the screen would become inoperable. I called the property manager’s office and asked for them to send out a heating and cooling technician to fix the problem. When he couldn’t figure it out, something unexpected happened. I realized that while my smart thermostat was malfunctioning, my laptop was also struggling to stay connected to the wifi in my apartment. To make a long story short, my wifi router was malfunctioning and needed to be replaced. After I installed a new wifi router, I never had a problem with that smart thermostat again.

mini split air conditioner