The wedding and dinner rehearsal planned by my parents was marvelous

I was pretty excited when my parents were talking about doing a wedding and dinner rehearsal on a cruise ship.

  • They invited everybody for the occasion and it was a great way to kick off our wedding weekend.

The cruise ship was so enjoyable, the food was amazing and buffet style, and the bar kept everybody happy with limitless drinks! I also appreciated the dinner hall as it was equipped with a powerful UV air purification system. This my parents made certain of because they wanted everybody to have perfect comfort with enjoyable temperature control settings and excellent air quality. I loved how we weren’t limited to only a few options as far as food goes either, we could have whatever we wanted pretty much as the selection at the buffet was spectacular. This wedding and dinner rehearsal was really top notch and I’m glad my parents put so much thought into it. Everything went so smoothly and it made me feel confident that I was ready for our wedding day. We ended up having our wedding at a fancy venue and the climate control was on point just like it was on the cruise ship. I was so thankful to everybody who came out and showered us with love and gifts. The wedding went off without a hitch and we had a blast at the wedding reception. Those who couldn’t make it to the dinner cruise though, they kept saying how they wished they could have made it because it was such an exciting occasion. I couldn’t have hoped for a more enjoyable wedding weekend and I certainly look forward to our honeymoon.

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