No, HVAC maintenance is important

As someone that works in the heating and AC industry, it’s very annoying to me when I hear people deliberately tell me that taking care of your heating and air conditioning system is not that important.

It seems kind of bold if you ask me to go and tell an AC worker that has been in the business for 10 years now that what I do is wrong and that I’m doing it incorrectly and that their heating and air conditioning systems are perfect and never need to be maintained.

Not only does that not make sense logically speaking, after all the heating and AC unit is a machine and all the machines will suffer from wear and tear and will need to be maintained, but it also is frustrating to me because these people act like they know more than I do even though they’ve never touched a heating or AC system in their life. It’s one thing when these people are strangers, it’s something entirely different when it is your family. They act like they have no idea what I’m talking about and that I’m wrong. It’s incredibly frustrating so I’ve just gotten to the point where I stop helping them. They will complain to me about their problem with their heating and cooling system. The problem isn’t because they have never maintained it once in their life, but because it’s cheaply made and that all heating and AC technicians are out to get your money. In their words I “sold out” to them. Whatever that means. Thankfully, I meant a wonderful woman who is now my wife who doesn’t think like this at all and understands the importance of heating and AC tune-ups. She supports me in everything I do in my heating and cooling work and gives me the support I need.


