Shower thoughts reminded me of my HVAC appointment

Everytime I take a shower I get the weirdest thoughts that come into my head.

All kinds of weird things such as, the amount of people that are older than you never goes up, or why nobody questions those weird word problems you get in math when you’re a kid in school where people buy 50 watermelon’s. Nobody buys that many watermelons in real life. Well I took a shower today and I had these same odd recurring questions but then one of them reminded me of my appointment with the heating and air conditioning company. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten all about it. I had been working on trying to get my air conditioning system fixed. It was on and off working. Sometimes it would work perfectly fine and other days it would not even come on. I had made an appointment with the local heat and AC provider and he would be coming out tomorrow. I’m glad I remembered in time because I need to be prepared. The heating and air conditioning specialist is going to be asking me any questions about what’s going on with my heating and cooling system and I want to make sure that when I’m talking to him about my HVAC unit that I don’t miss anything. I definitely want to get it fixed because we will be entering the summer months soon and I want to make sure that I have cool air before the heat comes.

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