There are a lot of weird uses for shipping tote homes

When I first started my mobile event solutions company I was mostly interested in catering to high end purchasers having parties or events; Over time I have come to realize that I was thinking too small, however there is so much more to mobile event solutions than just providing facilities for rich folks, they can be used in many weird ways, and now I labor with families, businesses, plus local governments to supply mobile event solutions, but yes, I still do labor events for the rich plus powerful, however it’s not as rewarding as it used to be.

One part that is truly exciting to me is the development of self contained portable restrooms plus portable showers, and in major cities where there is an excess of homeless people, these portable restrooms are often put in high traffic areas to help the indigent.

In suburban areas there has been an increased call for portable kitchens, because many lower income families don’t have appliances at home. The portable kitchens are used by the community, plus paid for by the city, mobile event solutions can help with almost any problem, as we discovered while in the COVID pandemic. There was a surge in demand for mobile COVID-19 testing facilities, plus I had to hustle to convert some of my aged modular units. Now that the demand for mobile COVID-19 testing facilities has dropped, I am converting them back into other, more useless, units… And to think, this whole company empire started just because I had the bright system to supply portable restrooms to rich people for their parties!

Modular Affordable Homes