You’re going camping when?

My best friend called and told me he had something different to do for Christmas this year.

He was tired of running around all through the holidays. This year he wanted to relax with his friends and forget all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I asked him what he had in mind? He told me he wanted to grab our girlfriends, and we could all go camping. All I could was; you’re camping when?, and I began to laugh. I couldn’t believe he was talking about going camping over Christmas, which is the coldest time of the year. He backed up a bit and said it wasn’t exactly camping. His parents owned a cabin and they weren’t using it anymore. He wanted to go up to the cabin and stay there over the holidays. He wanted me to help him fix it up, and decide if it was worth selling. I called my girlfriend and asked if she was up to going to the mountains for Christmas. She and my friend’s girlfriend were talking about cross-country skiing while there, which I took for a yes. When we got there, the fireplace was in disrepair, and we couldn’t use it for heating. The generator was broken, so we had no electricity. Without the generator, we didn’t have a furnace. I was upset about the lack of any type of heating, and told my friend we needed to cut our losses and go home. Instead, we went to a hotel that was two miles away, and stayed there. We celebrated Christmas with a bunch of strangers, but there was an excellent heating system and we all stayed warm.


Furnace filter