A weird problem with the air conditioner

Bigger isn’t always better, something we all learn sooner or later.

Part of the reason we bought this house was because of the sheer size of it.

The house was big, the yard was big, the property was big, and there was a lake nearby that was enormous, and perfect for fishing. The place was pretty old, and had a fair number of problems, but all houses have problems so we took the plunge and bought it. One of the things we liked was the massive air conditioning system the place had. It was located in the laundry room, and took up almost half the space with all the massive HVAC components. The problem was, we later found out, the thing worked like crap, and was terrible at cooling down the house. We checked the air filter, and it looked brand new, like it had never been used, so we had to call for professional help. I hate calling in the HVAC guys, because it’s always a hundred bucks just to get them to come over, and then you start paying real money on top of that. We can the guy, takes a quick look at the air conditioner and tells me that isn’t the problem, and to show him the real air conditioner. This guy thought we were the world’s biggest idiots, because we didn’t realize that this old, monstrous air conditioner didn’t work at all. There was a second, smaller, and much new HVAC system up in the attic, and that was the one that needed to be repaired.

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