Maintaining a new air conditioning system

My husband and I are always doing repairs to our home.

We like tackling sometimes these challenging repairs together.

Recently we had to rebuild our children’s tree house. We felt that it was unsafe for them to use so we decided to take it down and rebuild it from scratch. The treehouse was there when we first bought the house about three years ago. We always told our children to never go up there when we’re not home due to the condition of it. Just recently we also wanted to have our HVAC system repaired. But instead of repairing it ourselves we decided to leave it to our local HVAC professionals. They are a great HVAC provider and they provide some great knowledge and advice. We were told that when it comes to our air conditioning system it should be kept clean and clear from the outdoor unit. Nothing should be near it, not even two feet away. Our HVAC technician also told us that to keep an eye of our duct work. When ductwork is not sealed properly, cool air and warm air can escape, causing the system to run more than it needs to. You can waste up to 40 percent of energy. When ducts are sealed properly you won’t run into these problems. He also told my husband and I to give him a call once a year if need be so he could change all of the filters, clean and flush the coils, drain the pan and clean up the blower compartments.

Commercial air conditioning