I need better climate

Eventually, it has gotten so bad in my home that I finally figured it was best to pack up and move.

I’m not really the type who likes to complain, but this indoor air leaves me no options. I mean, being uncomfortable every moment of every day really hasn’t been the desired experience here. I actually thought that owning my own house would be an upgrade from renting, but this HVAC drama has not panned out. Before this, I never realized how much heating, cooling, and air quality control played with my mental health and overall life satisfaction. Then I moved into a home where the air temperature control was horrible. It doesn’t help that the outdoor climate is just as awful. When you’re operating an old heating, cooling, and ventilation system, you have a lot to improve. For instance, gaining any sort of reliable temperature control. I’ve never had a less trustworthy thermostat in my life – it’s always a crapshoot if the HVAC system is going to do what I ask, or if there will be hot and cold fluctuations throughout the house. Eventually, it has gotten so bad in my home that I finally figured it was best to pack up and move. Between the dirty air, uncomfortable hot and cold patches, and unaffordable energy bills, it was time to go. I realize entirely that leaving behind one failed heating and cooling system for another HVAC plan seems a bit stupid, but I can’t afford the professional heating, cooling, and air quality control fees that I’m facing for a full HVAC overhaul. The only option? Head to better climates and better indoor air temperature control options before this old HVAC system bankrupts me once and for all.


Air conditioning workman