Can’t believe what a air filter type can do for you

It’s been like a whole new world or drama for me over the last year or so.

This is pretty amazing when you’re in your mid 40s as well as are seeing life from a whole new perspective.

After a lot of years of resting inside the zone controlled Heating and A/C of the office only to come back home to my beach house as well as sit in the central air conditioner, I changed. Some of the credit for these changes are due to what the pandemic forced me to realize as well as deal with. When I got sent to my beach house from entirely working inside the zone controlled Heating and A/C of the offices, I knew there would be variations. What I didn’t realize was that all the time cooped up inside the weak air conditioner of my house would play such an immense role. Once both of us were first self-isolating inside the central air conditioner of our house, I treated it as though it was just 1 long snow day. Where I live, snow days are a pretty immense deal because they don’t come around that much. We’re so accustomed to residing with the Winter season that it has to really be an immense snowstorm to get a snow day. And when that happens, it’s an all day celebration with food, movies, games as well as fun. As a result of acting this was for the first several months, I became even fatter than I already was. But once it was a given that both of us were going to have to work remotely for the long haul, I decided to change. And it was the little things at first. Like making myself go outside of the Heating and A/C cooling for walks that first Summer. Well, all those little things started to add up. And I even changed the air filter over to a HEPA filter in order to further our healthy lifestyle choices.

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