How often should I change my HVAC air filter?

When I lived in an apartment complex, the leasing office used to schedule the yearly maintenance of the apartment.

Most of the maintenance happened during the daytime when I was at work, So, I have no idea what the maintenance service guy did while in my apartment.

If I reported something as being broken, they did repair it, but outside of that I wasn’t sure. All I know was that I was not responsible for any of the major maintenance and at the time, that was fine with me. Now that I am a homeowner, of course things are different. I am responsible for the upkeep of my home as well as all the equipment inside of it. I make sure that I schedule all my maintenance and service during the year. Typically, I schedule a HVAC service once per year in the Spring or in the Fall depending on my schedule and the availability of my HVAC technician. My technician is great and does a fantastic job cleaning out and tuning up my unit. He however doesn’t change the HVAC air filter as that is something that I do during the year. Some companies recommended that air filters should be changed every 90 days with regular use. If however you are a smoker or if you have pets, you should consider changing the HVAC filters every 60 days. And if you have allergies or any kind of respiratory illnesses, it is recommended to change the filters at least every 30 days. Changing the HVAC filters will help to improve the air quality inside your home as well as extend the life of the HVAC unit.
air conditioning system