I would love a new cooling system

We all get into arguments with our loved ones and say things we don’t mean.

Last week I had one of those days. My husband was the butt of my frustrations, however what I said to him actually concluded in a great outcome. Last week, we were experienced one of the hottest days of the year. The air was thick with humidity, I can usually take the warmth, but this day was like no other. I needed to turn on the air conditioning system fast . When I did so I heard a rattle followed by the system powering down. My patience was running low and I immediately began to shout at my husband to go outside to see what the problem was with the air conditioner. He searching the A/C equipment and couldn’t manage to find anything wrong until he pulled out the air filters. He realized that he had forgotten to replace the old filter with clean new ones last season. My aggravation at that moment must have revealed because my husband too one look at me and headed out the door to buy a new cooling system.

Air conditioning expert