You can’t beat my thermostat

My oldest sister Juanita is jealous of my current smart temperature control system, and i think it’s the craziest thing, however Juanita is typically jealous of myself and others for some reason or other.

I recognize it’s typically been that way, ever since we were little kids in the 90’s.

I remember back when we were growing up, he got super mad at myself and others because I was asking for a window component A/C for my room; She had asked for a bunch of silly looking clothes instead of an A/C unit, so his room was genuinely warm in the Summer! Naturally, even though our parents spent exactly the same amount on my window component A/C as they had spent on his clothes, he was mad at me for it. I tried to tell him that he should have been smarter in his choice of spending tons of cash for his birthday, despite the fact that he could only see the fact that my study room was being cooled by A/C while hers was not. I kept telling him that it was not my fault that I had an A/C and he didn’t. It was not a single person’s fault however his own, despite the fact that he was annoyed about that A/C in my room for a very long time, then and now that we are adults, he is doing exactly the same thing. It’s not as if I have somehow kept him from going out and buying his own temperature control unit. I have no control over my sibling at all, however but now, she’s all mad at myself and others because I have purchased a state of the art smart temperature control plan for my house. I’m loving the current smart temperature control, however Juanita is acting in love . I bought a current temperature control just to make fun of her!


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