Air purification chances to stop hazardous biological contaminants

I shudder to think about the air I am breathing.

This was never a problem prior to the coronavirus crisis every one of us find ourselves dealing with.

The only time I thought about the air I was breathing was while in the early Spring when the pollen levels are high. This is a tough time for myself and others because I am super allergic to certain types of tree plus shrubbery pollens. Other than that, I just didn’t think about it. Now, I am learning how much the Heating plus Air Conditioning inspected indoor air quality of our condo has to do with our health. Specifically, I am thinking of illness plus our immune system. Biological growth inside the Heating plus Air Conditioning plus our homes can cause grave harm to immune system. Biological growth needs multiple things: food, like skin cell; moisture; the absence of ultraviolet light. This is why moss grows on the underside of rocks or mold blooms in the deep recesses of your home. There are chances to fight this health hazard. Installing a whole condo whole-house air purifier is a superb option. The whole-house air purifier is sited inside the Heating plus Air Conditioning air handler. There is accesses all the filtered air coming from the return. This air passes over beams of high intensity ultraviolet light. This light literally burns plus destroys organic material. It does this by disassembling the DNA of these biological contaminants. This reduces hazardous pollutants to simple nitrogen plus oxygen. These whole condo air cleaners, used in conjunction with a superb HEPA air filter, will rid your condo of nearly all hazardous airborne biological compounds. And, it can do this within the first 24 hours. The result is clean, fresh plus quality indoor air.


furnace/heater service