Theft is no longer a stresser

I run a small shop that has a collection of handmade clothing and jewelry.

  • I get pants, skirts, tops and earrings made from local artists.

Everything is one of a kind and due to this, I can charge a little extra for it. Each item in my store is worth quite a bit and losing it would be a huge loss for me. I try to be honestly good with how I spend my money. For a while I did not want to get a security plan but the stress of losing my pricey stock had me thinking that I had to nut up and do it. Now that I have security in my store, I can rest easy. I have keyless entry in order to get in my shop to start the afternoon, and once I am open I have a ton of security cameras. I have cameras in every space of the store that show down the aisles and along the shelves. I even have a camera behind the cash register. I have the live camera feed on my computer and can even access it from my ipad. There is no space in the store that I can’t see. It has been such a great thing for me. Theft doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does happen, I typically see who is the culprit. So far I have not needed to call up the authorities. I simply walked up to the robber and let them know I saw them on my camera. I give them the choice to put the item back and leave the store.



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