I probably could have saved the furnace, but I didn’t

I probably could have asked the HVAC technician to save the furnace, but I made the choice to have the furnace replaced.

Do I regret the decision to have my furnace replaced when it probably could have been fixed? Actually, I do not regret my decision at all.

I was tired of stressing over the furnace. The furnace was causing so many problems, and I really didn’t want to have to worry about it anymore. I have no idea what was wrong with the furnace. Every time that I thought that we had found all of the problems within the furnace, something new would come, and we would be forced to call the HVAC technician. I felt like the HVAC technician was at my house a lot, and we were spending a fortune paying the HVAC technician. Thankfully, the HVAC company was being kind enough to give us some discounts because of all of the problems, but I knew that we would end up spending a ton of money on our furnace before it would start working again. If we would have spent all of the money on the furnace, we probably would’ve gotten quite a few years out of the furnace still, but I am glad that I decided to replace the furnace. The problems with the furnace would have only gotten worse, and we no longer have to worry about the furnace anymore. I hated having to be worried that my furnace was going to stop working at any moment. The peace of mind is worth the cost of replacing the furnace.

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