My child was aggravated about a poor smell in his classroom

So I went looking around for the source of the smell plus I ended up coming to 1 of the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C vents

When our child started school again, he was not undoubtedly glad when he got back home, when I asked him what was wrong, he just shrugged plus didn’t seem to want to talk about it! I had to assume what was going on so I insisted that he tell me. I kept asking if he was dealing with school bullies or if the teacher was giving him a hard time, but he said it was nothing love that, however then he finally said that it smelled genuinely excruciating in the classroom at school. I was pretty shocked to hear this. He told me that he said something to the teacher, but he didn’t seem to suppose there was a excruciating smell at all. He also told me that even his friends at school agreed that there was a genuinely excruciating smell inside of the classroom, but so I ended up going with our child to meet up with his teacher. I was stunned when I got into the classroom because it absolutely smelled love something died in there! I asked the teacher if he smelled that horrible smell, plus he said he didn’t smell anything, however but he admitted that he didn’t genuinely have a good sense of smell. So I went looking around for the source of the smell plus I ended up coming to 1 of the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C vents. It smelled love there was a dead mouse in there or something. So the teacher told the principal plus when he smelled the poor odor, he instantly contacted the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C dealer. They cleaned out the ductwork plus sure enough, they pulled a dead mouse out of there! My child was thankful when the smell was finally gone!


air quality