I'm not a big fan of insects

I would consider myself an animal lover by all means.

  • I love things fluffy, furry and even feathery! Even reptiles, which I wasn’t originally fond of; my brother introduced me to his pet ball python, and I kind of like them now.

So I love all animals, all shapes and sizes. I currently own 2 cats, 1 dog and 3 birds. Still on the fence on getting reptiles and amphibians, but I can feel a growing like for them. The only thing that I don’t really care for is insects. Now I don’t hate insects, but I don’t love them either. Whenever I see their quick legs moving so fast, it just gives me creepy vibes. I still don’t believe in killing them, so whenever I happen to find one of them in my house, I simply scoop it up in a container and outside it goes. Even though I am not a big fan of insects, apparently there is much much worse. My neighbors for example, seem to have something against bees and wasps. I have counted and I’ve seen the same local extermination truck parked by their house 7 times now. Once or twice is fair, but 7 times?! I searched up bee removal businesses, and apparently they are pretty popular, as well as wasp exterminators. Makes me wonder why someone would actually want to be an exterminator, do they have something against honeybees or something? I know some people really hate yellow jackets, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the yellow jacket extermination team hates them. I am neutral with bumble bees and wasps. As long as they leave me alone, then we can have a peaceful relationship, and I won’t see the need to call out commercial bee removal.
Yellow Jacket