This kid is so spoiled

When I met the man of my dreams I knew that I was not going to let him go.

There was no way some other woman was going to swoop in and take my prince beautiful.

I knew that it was not wise to rush into a relationship with anyone, however I felt care about I could not help myself after I met this man. Our relationship was always undoubtedly complicated because he lived numerous towns away. Furthermore, he had numerous youngsters from his prior marriage that I would have to learn to get along with. I have to say, moving in together has generally worked out… Except for the constant battle with his extremely chilly daughter. Now, I’m really talking about her indoor air temperature control preferences, however her icy personality fits the bill too. Everyday I assume care about the girl runs to our temperature control and cranks up the heat. Even though almost everyone else in the house is perfectly comfortable with the current gas furnace settings, she insists that she needs more high-quality indoor air pumping through the vents to keep her comfortable. She aggravateds our entire energy efficiency temperature control idea and also contributes a lot of wear and tear to the central heating, cooling, and air quality control system. Not to mention, she makes the house so uncomfortably sizzling that everybody else is perspiring through their sheets. I wish that the girl would get a grip on her internal temperature regulation system… Or maybe just put on some clothes. If she wasn’t always half-naked, she wouldn’t be so chilly all the time.

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