I work for a company that is busy installing hot water boiler rentals every winter

It’s tough trying to work full time when you are taking care of disabled relatives.

You have to make sure they have everything they need before you get in the car and leave for work every morning.

I’m hoping to find some sort of job that will let me work from home, but I haven’t been successful in my search yet. Right now I’m an administrative assistant for a commercial and industrial equipment dealer and they need me there every single day while I work. It’s definitely not a job that I can do remotely under any circumstances. My sister is an insurance agent and recently landed a cushy remote job with benefits and full time hours. She travels from one state to the next while completing her work shifts every morning and afternoon from Monday through Friday. Right now I’m busy overseeing the contract paperwork for a series of hot water boiler rentals that my boss has scheduled with various businesses in the city. It’s cold outside and often boilers quit working and take days of repair work to get them working again. You can’t operate a large business like a factory or a stadium without constant heat in single digit temperatures. Your only recourse in these situations is ordering a hot water boiler rental from a company like ours. Fortunately, our company offers hot water boilers in varying sizes, with some almost small enough to use in a house. But since our company specializes in industrial and commercial equipment, we rarely carry residential products. Our clients are leaders in their industries and expect the level of service and commitment that our company pledges.

temporary boiler rental