I can’t get him to do my HVAC service

My husband is a HVAC professional.

People love to assume that means I have high tech HVAC equipment and constantly up to date with service.

Nope, I have the same standard air unit that most homeowners have. I also hardly get my HVAC looked after. My husband does HVAC repairs, service and tune ups all week long. During the holidays he is pulled in to do emergency repairs a lot. New installations happen in fall and springtime. It is not usual for him to work on a saturday. So the last thing my husband wants to do is look at our home HVAC after working on others all day long. It is just like a teacher not wanting to instruct, a doctor not wanting to diagnose his buddies or an account to do his father’s taxes. I get it, I really do. However, not having my HVAC serviced gets to be annoying. Obviously it is constantly making loud noises and threatening to break down. I need to badger my husband when it gets really bad. It usually takes weeks before he gets around to it. I have come up with a solution though. This year I am not going to worry about hounding him about HVAC service. I am just going to call a HVAC dealer and pay for service like a normal person. I will use a different business so my husband doesn’t know. I want a clean HVAC device and my husband doesn’t want to do it. There, done. He won’t be happy if he finds out but he isn’t around during the daytime.


Heating technician