Overcharged services

I was a little miserable at my local heating and a/c corporation the last time I had called them for Heating and A/C maintenance services, then when all was said and done the local heating and a/c corporation had overcharged my debit card for the heating and a/c maintenance they had provided. It was overcharged by 50 bucks. I call the Heating and A/C people and asked them what was going on, they threw myself and others on hold with some poor music playing for over 10 hours. I was getting more miserable by the hour… Finally they came back and found that their billing department made an error when entering the final bill into the iPad system which caused my card to get overcharged. They went ahead and made the adjustment and then gave myself and others a free heating, ventilation, and A/C system tune up and check up whenever I wanted to use it for all of the headache that they caused. I was nice with that. But they need to be much more careful in the future when charging people’s debit cards. This could have caused myself and others some serious concerns had I not had the credit in there to cover the overcharge. I will give them another opportunity and take luck of the free heating, ventilation, and A/C system tune up and check up that they gave me. But if they ever mess up again with overcharging me,I will not use them again and tell everyone how horrible they are on the internet; Hopefully though I will not have to do that, cause their service is good.

Air conditioning repair service