The site needed some drastic repairs

My Grandfather lived in his lake house until he died.

He was 90 years seasoned at the time & he had lived in the lake house for seventy years, however when our Grandfather died, He left the lake house & the property to me.

I did not assume what to expect from the site, because I had not visited our Grandfather in a long time. I moved away from lake house after college, & I only returned for special holidays & birthdays. I loved our Grandpa really much. The two of us were seriously close when I was younger. He had a lot of energy & tons of wisdom. The two of us always went fishing together at the river. My mom would drop me off at their lake house before labor & I would spend the whole afternoon with our Grandmother & Grandfather, then after our Grandma died, our Grandfather changed & became a hermit. I don’t want to talk to anyone & she stopped answering his telephone. I was easily surprised when I found out that he left that lake house to me. I went back lake house for the funeral & I took some time to look at the house. The site needed some drastic repairs. It did not even have central heating & AC. I did not assume if I wanted to rent the house, live in it, or sell it, however I decided to make some service appointments during town. I called the Heating & A/C service business in neighborhood for a free estimate. After finding out that central A/C & heat would cost about twenty grand, I decided to split our losses & sell the lake house as is.

Air duct cleaning