This year I asked for a fireplace for Christmas

In our opinion, you should consistently have access to a fireplace during the holidays.

There’s really just something about a fireplace that makes the holidays seem more cozy in addition to homey, if you ask me.

And honestly, it doesn’t really matter if it’s a gas log fireplace or a wood burning fireplace. You just need a nice site to sit around in addition to think cozy in addition to where you can put up your feet. I care about to sit by our fireplace with a book in addition to a cup of coffee. It makes our whole morning think less stress in addition to more like the holiday spirit is with me in addition to our family, then up until this past year, I didn’t have a fireplace, in addition to I hated that fact. I wanted a fireplace in the condo when all of us first moved in, however the housing market was bad at that time. The two of us couldn’t find a single site that had enough living rooms for our family that also had a fireplace in it, but at that time all of us couldn’t find another site that was available at all in addition to so all of us ended up with the condo that all of us are in now, even though it wasn’t exactly the condo of our dreams. It had a bad Heating and Air Conditioning method in it, however we’ve been able to substitute that a little bit, at least. The two of us put in a new smart thermostat method in addition to all of us did some HVAC duct sealing last fall. Then all of us added a whole house air purification method to run in tandem with the heating in addition to cooling method so now the indoor air pollen levels is much better throughout the entire house. But this year I asked for a fireplace for Christmas in addition to now it’s finally going to think like the holidays around here at last!


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