You can’t put a mattress on top of the vents

We got new tenants on Saturday so I wasn’t surprised to get a call on Monday for an HVAC repair. There is always something wrong with the apartments. We try to catch and repair anything that needs it before renting it out. However, it is impossible to find every single issue unless you live in the house. So when the tenants said that the HVAC system wasn’t working in their bedroom I sent over my HVAC supplier then I hoped it wasn’t anything too serious. I breathed a sigh of relief when my HVAC supplier called me back later that day. The technician told me that my tenants had placed their mattress on top of the HVAC vents in the bedroom. That was the only problem. He told them that the mattress would have to be moved and they refused even though there was room for the mattress up against the other wall. There, it wouldn’t be blocking any vents. He said the tenants went on and on about sleeping along Earth’s pole lines or something like that. The technician then suggested that they get a bed frame so that the vents are completely smothered by the mattress. Again, they refused and said something dumb. So there is nothing wrong with the HVAC system. I was happy to hear that. However, after getting off of the phone with my HVAC supplier my tenants called me back. They said the issue wasn’t fixed. I tried reasoning with them and they got irate. I bet these guys don’t last very long here.
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