A Wi-Fi temperature control might have helped me out this week

The weather has been absolutely weird here recently. Some mornings it is over 68 degrees. Other mornings it is under 40. I wish the weather would just decide what it wants to do in addition to stick with it. All of these temperature variations keep giving me a headache; Not to mention the fact that I never believe if I should leave our oil furnace or our on when I leave for labor in the morning. I try to check the weather report before heading out then I adjust the temperature control based on that. Well, this week I forgot to check. The last few mornings have been in the 40s in addition to 50s so I have been leaving the oil furnace on. Today turned out to be in the 76s. When I got lake house from labor it was close to 76 degrees in the house because, of course, I never set the temperature control to air conditioning. I hastily turned on the a/c however it took almost an hour before our lake house was cool in addition to comfortable. This incident has absolutely got me looking into Wi-Fi temperature controls again. I have wanted 1 for awhile now. I understand that Wi-Fi temperature controls save you money on your electric bill. I also guess that they can be controlled via cell PC. I did remember about our temperature control in the middle of the morning this week. If I had had a Wi-Fi temperature control maybe I could have turned our on remotely. Then, our house would have been comfortable when I got lake house from work. That would have been nice.
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