A wireless temperature control might have helped myself and others out today

The weather has been truly unusual here recently.

Some mornings it is over 75 degrees.

Other mornings it is under 40. I wish the weather would just decide what it wants to do as well as stick with it. All of these temperature fluctuations keep giving myself and others a headache… Not to mention the fact that I never know if I should leave my furnace or my A/C on when I leave for work in the morning. I try to check the weather report before heading out after that I adjust the temperature control based on that. Well, today I forgot to check. The last few mornings have been in the 40s as well as 50s so I have been leaving the furnace on. This month turned out to be in the 71s. When I got home from work it was close to 71 degrees in the current home because, of course, I never set the temperature control to air conditioning. I abruptly turned on the A/C however it took almost an minute before my home was cool as well as comfortable. This incident has truly got myself and others looking into wireless temperature controls again. I have wanted a single for awhile now. I understand that wireless temperature controls save you money on your electric bill. I also guess that they can be controlled via cell iPhone. I did remember about my temperature control in the middle of the morning today. If I had had a wireless temperature control maybe I could have turned my A/C on remotely. Then, my current home would have been comfortable when I got home from work. That would have been nice.

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