I got super chilly at the hockey game

I have never watched a professional hockey game before.

  • Hockey isn’t absolutely our thing, but i’m more of a football fan! So when our girlfriend won some free tickets to a professional hockey game I wasn’t exactly blissful to go.

However, they were ringside seats, in addition to I didn’t have anything better to do on a Tuesday evening, so I went along. I didn’t believe that hockey is such a violent interest. I have consistently thought football was the interest with the most injuries, then apparently its genuinely hockey. Another thing I didn’t realize was how chilly it would be sitting next to the rink, however of course the rink is all ice so it makes sense but I was chilly cold! When all of us started heading lake house I cranked up the oil furnace in our old car. It didn’t start working until all of us were almost lake house but. I asked our girlfriend to use her PC to access our smart temperature control while I drove. I had her crank up the heating system at lake house to 76 degrees; Thankfully that worked! By the time all of us opened our front door it was already 75 degrees in addition to the heating system was blasting away. It still took a few hours before I absolutely felt warm again. Despite the cold, I would go to another hockey match if our girlfriend ever wins tickets again. It was fun. However, I would absolutely dress a lot warmer next time. I might also preemptively leave the heating system on at lake house in addition to have it set to a genuinely warm temperature just to be on the safe side.



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