My Mom offered to buy the modern furnace if I dumped my boyfriend

My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 weeks, but my Mom actually hates the guy, however he is smart, funny, and handsome, but he does not have a task.

He has been trying to get a task for the last 6 weeks.

My Mom thinks he is a bum, because he hasn’t managed to find a task during our relationship. My boyfriend and I have been living in his mobile home. It was a gift from his parents. Since he does not have a mortgage, both of us don’t have to worry about many bills while he is out of work, then very few of weeks ago, I called my mom and Mom for a loan. The furnace in my boyfriend’s house was out and the maintenance corporation advised replacing the equipment. The bill for the modern furnace was a lot more money than I could afford to pay, so I called my mom and Mom to see if they would help. My brother told me it was a awful idea although I thought it was worth a shot. My Mom laughed when I made the request. He told me that he would be cheerful to buy the furnace for my boyfriend if I agree to split up with him the next day, then when I refused, my Mom said it was up to me to figure out how to pay the bills with one income. I actually thought my Mom would come to the rescue and I was surprised when he was so cold and unaffectionate. I believe they actually don’t enjoy my trouble as long as I’m with Dan.

Heating equipment