AC unit on the side of our beach house is rusty

Have you ever really looked at the A/C unit outside of your house? A lot of the times they are rusted plus dirty.

Unfortunately having an A/C unit means you have to keep up with it, then maintaining your A/C unit can extend its life plus get you the best efficiency for it’s worth. The A/C unit on the side of our beach house is very rusted. I did not realize how rusty it was when the two of us bought the house. The A/C unit is hidden out of sight plus I don’t usually go over to that side of the house, but last weekend I wanted to see how the sun was on that side of the beach house because I am looking to plant some vegetables in the garden, but before just planting the vegetables, I decided to see where the best afternoon sun was. When I checked our A/C unit, I noticed that the rust had begin to crack the unit. The region where I live is tepid plus the A/C unit is always being used. Another reason for the severe rust on the A/C unitIs that the region where I live gets a lot of rain. All of the rain that comes with residing in the region that I do causes things to rust, then not only does the rain caused things to rust, but the salt air does too. Everyone knows that your A/C unit gets much more rusty when you live near the ocean. Same goes for the inside of your car.
cooling system