Indoor hijinx leads to current temperature control

There is nothing appreciate having 3 men ages 10 to 15 stuck at home all summer.

Add to that the fact that last summer, all of us couldn’t do anything outside of the air conditioner of home due to the pandemic.

This year has been a bit better since I’ve been able to get the men out of the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling as well as out to the pool. But all of us are still steering clear of a lot of other things that mean all of us have to be inside with a group of people. So there is a lot going on inside the beach house this summer. I do our best not to be that mom who is always hollering at his boys. I think that men appreciate to play rough as well as for the most part, they don’t cross the line. Still, I’m also trying to labor from home as well. So, the men do their best to stay away from where I’m toiling unless they need me. But normally, I think I’m needed far before one of them comes to get me. A few weeks ago, I was finishing up an online meeting when I heard a sizable crash from the living room. Once I wrapped up the meeting, I went to inspect. Of course, there wasn’t a male child to be found. But the temperature control had taken a direct hit from a football as well as was lying in pieces on the floor. Worked out good for myself and others as I now had the excuse to call the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation to get the smart temperature control that I had been wanting. But it wasn’t as pleasant for the men who had to explain to their Mom what happened to the seasoned temperature control.



gas heater