I discovered that I am not an outdoor person

I was so excited when my friend from college came to town.

We had been really close during our school days together but life has a way of keeping you busy.

As time went on she moved away to another state to be with her boyfriend while I stayed here and decided to continue schooling for a couple more years. So to have her back after two years was really exciting for the both of us. We were talking on the phone all of the time and making plans for what we wanted to do together during her visit. She told me that she had come up with the perfect plan and we could go camping together. I had never been camping before and it sounded like a great idea! I was really excited as we packed our tents, food, sleeping bags, and other gear for the weekend. The first day went great, we made the trip out to the woods and did some hiking and some sightseeing before setting up camp. The following day however was a whole other story. I woke up and we did some more trails, but this time we somehow managed to get lost and walk in circles for a couple of hours before finding our way back to our campsite. It was terrible, the sun was high in the sky and I was hot and sweating. All I could think about was my nice and cool air conditioner back at home that was waiting for me, I even had the smart thermostat app on my phone, not that it would do me any good out here. When we finally found our way back to our campsite we found that our food had been raided by a hungry bear. Then that night we were eaten by mosquitoes. I was glad to return home.


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