Jenny woke up early in the morning to a cold condo

As summer was winding down, Jenny had an unusually freezing weekend.

She switched on her gas furnace that night to keep her condo warm and her family comfortable.

However, she woke up early in the day to a freezing space, only to discover that her gas furnace had been blowing freezing air since she turned it on. Disgruntled, she did what she always does when something breaks. Jenny scoured YouTube for answers. She came upon a HVAC repair channel where the guy in the video described the same signs she was having. He made the repair seem easy enough- remove the defective part, and replace it with a new one. Jenny walked to the hardware store to buy a replacement component for her gas furnace, and hurried home to get to work. The defective area came out without much fuss, and the new piece installed just like it did in the video. But, when Jenny went to turn on her gas furnace, she was still getting freezing air out of her vents. After numerous more YouTube videos plus numerous more trips to the hardware store, her gas furnace was in many pieces, her tools were all scattered throughout her shed, plus her home was still cold. No matter what video she watched or what parts she obtained, Jenny couldn’t seem to get her gas furnace working again. The daylight was going down, and the temperature was beginning to drop, so Jenny finally gave up and phoned her local Heating and A/C repair company. They did send a specialist to her condo. Once he got there, the Heating and A/C specialist did suddenly identify the problem, and had her gas furnace working again in no time. Next time she has a gas furnace problem, she’ll skip the DIY nightmare, and book an HVAC specialist.