No one detachd the wood burning furnace.

My father used to tell everyone how she never had to worry about the power going out in the winter.

She said she had the perfect Heating & A/C method that would consistently give us heating regardless of what happened.

I never gave any thought to what she was saying. I knew every one of us had an oil furnace in the basement & there were several space heating systems in the house in case something happened to the furnace. I figured dad consistently knew how to keep us warm, & I wouldn’t need to worry. One afternoon, dad asked me to help him clean out the basement. I had seldom gone beyond the oil furnace or laundry room, even though she wanted to clean the back room they used for storage. I asked him what the sizable lead box was. She smiled & said that was our backup heating method she told everyone about. There was no need for electricity to keep us warm. If the power went out & the oil furnace couldn’t be used, she went downstairs & fired up the wood-burning furnace. She opened the back door, & showed me the huge supply of wood she had in the doorway. I knew my father consistently had every situation covered, but who would have thought she would also have the opportunity of loss of power covered. There was no way she was ever going to let her family go without heating; the wood furnace was proof of that. I hope that if I ever become a parent, I will be just as prepared as she is; especially when it comes to keeping plentiful heating for my family.
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