Residential Heating plus A/C wasn’t constantly around

It’s sort of taxing to fathom what life would be prefer without all the things that we so totally take for granted. I watch people suffer a near complete meltdown over the fact that they aren’t getting the cell reception they need. Can you imagine telling that woman that they would have to do without residential Heating plus A/C? That might induce some sort of catatonic state for sure. But we just never absolutely consider that the Heating plus A/C technology we simply expect hasn’t been around forever. The fact is that new residential Heating plus A/C didn’t absolutely hit the scene until the 1950’s. That’s before my time but my Grandfatherrents came up in this region without any sort of Heating plus A/C cooling. I remember my Grandfather telling stories about how they dealt with the heat plus humidity in this section without the benefit of air conditioner. And I absolutely don’t believe that our new culture would be anywhere near up to the task. All of us are all so soft now that the plan of just going a couple of afternoons without air conditioner is reason to flip out. I have a neighbor whose heat pump went out plus couldn’t be replaced for 3 afternoons. They packed up plus spent more than 500 dollars to stay in a hotel so they could have Heating plus A/C cooling. And it wasn’t even the middle of summer! While I can’t imagine going the entire Summer with Heating plus A/C cooling, I believe perhaps I could manage a few afternoons. But then again, I keep my home in the 77’s while I was in the peak heating minutes of the afternoon while I was in the summer. So maybe I’m a bit more equipped.


electric heater