The electric furnace had been blowing cold air all night

Towards the end of fall, there was an unusually cold weekend.

I had to turn on the electric furnace that night to keep the bungalow warm, and my family cozy. However, I woke up early in the day to a frigid space, only to find that the electric furnace had been blowing cold air all night long. Angered by this issue, I took matters into my own hands and scoured YouTube for answers on how to fix the electric furnace. I found an HVAC service channel where the two dudes in the video described the same problems I was having. They made the service seem self-explanatory enough- unfasten the faulty part, and replace it with a better one. I biked to the HVAC supplier to purchase a replacement component for this electric furnace, and returned to the house. The faulty part came out with ease, and the current piece installed just as it did in the video. But, when I went to turn the electric furnace back on, I was still getting cold air out of these vents. After several more YouTube videos and plenty of trips to the HVAC supplier, my heating system was in several pieces, my tools were all scattered throughout my shed, and my bungalow was still cold. No matter what video I watched or what parts I purchased, I couldn’t seem to get the electric furnace finally working again. The sun was going down, plus the temperature was starting to drop, so I had to swallow my pride and seek help from the local HVAC service dealer. They were able to send a worker to my bungalow within an hour, plus once he got there, the HVAC professional did quickly identify our problem. He had the electric furnace working again in no time. Whenever I have a heating system problem, I will skip the DIY nightmare, and leave the fixing to the experts.

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