We couldn’t seem to get the furnace working

Towards the end of the Summer, we experience a weirdly cold weekend.

We turned our gas furnace on that night to keep our beach house warm, and everyone in it comfortable. But, we woke up early in the morning to a frigid space. It turns out that our gas furnace had been blowing cold air all night long. Annoyed, we did what we always do when something breaks. We went through YouTube for answers, and came upon a Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance channel where the fellow in the video talked about the same issues we were having. He made the maintenance seem self-explanatory enough- remove the bad part, and set up a better one. We walked to the supplies store to purchase a better part for our gas furnace, and hurried back to the beach house to fix the unit. The bad part came out with ease, and we replaced it just like we saw in the video. But, when we went to turn our gas furnace back on, we were still getting cold air out of our vents. After several more YouTube videos and several more trips to the supplied store, our gas furnace was in many pieces, our tools were all scattered throughout the shed, and our beach house was still frigid. No matter what video we watched or what parts we bought, we couldn’t seem to get our gas furnace finally working again. The sunshine was going down, and the temperature was starting to drop, so we chose to give in and called our local Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance business. They were able to send a serviceman to our beach house within the house. Once he got there, the Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman did hastily identify our problem, and had the gas furnace finally working again in no time. Next time we have a gas furnace problem, we will skip the DIY nightmare, and call in the technician.


oil heater