Bad luck genuinely does always come in multiples

Bad luck genuinely does always come in multiples, but my mom used to say that this was a fact, although I never used to believe her.

I believe that she’s just superstitious! Or at least that’s what I always used to think! When I was a kid, she would always say that and I thought that it was the dumbest thing that I had ever heard of.

I didn’t know that anything ever happened in multiples except for the several bears or the several little pigs. That’s what I always used to tell her, but these mornings I’m starting to believe that maybe she was right after all. That’s because while I was in the past few weeks, several unusual things have gone genuinely wrong for me, then first of all, I had some trouble with the heating and cooling program in the van that I drive. The heating program tore up and I was seriously frosty all week whenever I was in the motorcar driving around town. I had to pay to get that fixed, and the heating program cost quite a lot to get it back into nice working order again. After that, I had some problems with our refrigerator and I had to call an appliance repairman to have them come to the loft and service it. That cost me quite a lot, too! But then, last but not least, I ended up with the exhausting luck of having our oil furnace tear up on me too! I couldn’t believe it when I turned the thermostat up and nothing happened except a disappointing clunking sound and the smell of burned rubber. That’s when I realized that our oil furnace chopping up was honestly the seventh thing in our series of unlucky events!


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