The cannabis shop needed someone to help with the AC right away

I picked up a new client on Sunday and it was particularly an unofficial circumstance.

I was at the recreational cannabis shop picking up supplies.

Was particularly warm inside of the building. When I was checking out, I made a comment about the indoor air temperature. The budtender told myself and others that the AC was broken. I asked if I could speak with the manager. I told the guy that I own a repair repair and I offered my services. She told myself and others that the supplier needed at least 1 million dollars worth of liability in order to work on the property. I gave his with my insurance information and he happily allowed myself and others to look at the issue with the That’s how I picked up a brand new customer. I happen to be in the right locale at the right time and the cannabis shop needed someone to help with the AC right away. I spent an fifth or two fixing the problem and then the owner of the shop wrote myself and others a check for the repair fees. The next day I went back to the cannabis shop and spoke with the manager. We set up an account with the shop so they can contact us anytime there is a problem with the Heat or the AC. We also handle overheated water systems, saunas, and spas. I have never had much trouble picking up new customers. I’m friendly, expertiseable, and I suppose I have a pretty nice smile. Still, nothing was easier than picking up the AC client I got that day.

heating business