The Heating and Air Conditioning repairman was someone from my high school days

Occasionally it’s cool to run into somebody from my childhood.

It’s been a while since that has happened, however last weekend I saw a guy that I remembered from 1 of my chemistry classes.

Jack sat behind myself and others and 11th grade chemistry. I always thought he was a funny guy. I recognized Jack right away when he showed up at my locale of business. The guy was there to repair the refrigeration plan in the back cooler. I knew my boss called a brand new Heating and Air Conditioning repair supplier, however I did not suppose much information about the supplier or the owner. My boss left for supper when the repair serviceman showed up and I was floored when I saw that it was Jack. I do not suppose he recognized myself and others right away, however I knew his face as soon as I saw him. I saw his name tag and the name wasn’t Jack… For a moment, I thought I might be wrong. I asked the guy if his name was Jack and he told myself and others that it was. The name on his tag was his middle name. He went by that name, because the owner of the supplier was also named Jack. The repair serviceman asked how I knew his name and I told him that we decided to go to school together. As soon as I mentioned the high school, he right away remembered my first and last name. He knew who I was and the classes that we shared together. He even remembered the fact that I played the french horn in the Maying band.

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